Sunday, March 31, 2013

Contemporary Furniture Design - Background And Influences

Contemporary furniture design came into being with the mixture of enquiring, innovative minds, advances in technology and the opportunity to produce incredible furniture at less expensive prices. The commercial revolution also performed an enormous part within this, particularly when it comes to cheaper materials, use of factory space and the opportunity to create artistic furnishings in a cost more suitable for the general public in particular.

In the late 1800s, designers began to appear towards sleeker, simpler designs for contemporary furniture. Whereas previously furniture have been built almost entirely from wood, leading to heavy overstated pieces suggestive of grandeur and luxury. This use of new materials and techniques used in working permitted designers to create smaller sized and modest sized products. These new furniture designs were simpler to include within any needed living area as well as gave the customer an chance to purchase products which were a manifestation that belongs to them preferences, with less restrictions. Contemporary furniture design grew to become noted for being serviceable and functional however with an innovative slant that saw modern furniture frequently seen as works of art themselves.

Odd angles, clean lines, curved shaping and materials for example metal and molded plastic paved the way in which for contemporary furniture to infiltrate into our awareness. It's difficult to disregard the striking types of contemporary furnishings - the fluidity and sharpness frequently utilized in these designs made people really begin to crunches and take serious notice of contemporary furniture.

Many designers of contemporary and contemporary furniture will also be recognized for being incredible designers - contemporary furnishings are really about functional products being viewed as architectural and artistic designs. Designers for example Charles Rennie Mackintosh, An Artist as well as Antoni Gaudi began to include contemporary furniture design to their overall architectural visions. Gaudi would frequently design furnishings to enhance the interesting how to go about his structures, developing a harmony between your exterior structure and internal decoration.

Other notable contributing factors towards the contemporary furniture movement include Marcel Breuer, Ludwig Mies van der Rohe, Eileen Grey, Le Corbusier and Lilly Reich. Mies van der Rohe invented the now famous and frequently replicated 'Barcelona chair' and the contemporary furniture frequently used cantilevers make it possible for encouraging yet delicate framework, frequently produced from chrome. Mies labored together with Lilly Reich for more than ten years, discussing both a personal and professional relationship. Additionally to her participation in the style of the Barcelona chair, the pair also labored together to produce the Brno chair, another legendary bit of modern furniture that is still reported as both inspiring and aspirational.

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Mission Style Stained Glass Panels

Mission style has a very wonderful history, dating back to Spanish missions and drawing influences from Mexico, California and Santa Fe. This simple style uses lovely dark wood and clean lines. It is still very popular today because of the way it so seamlessly blends function with style. If you choose to use mission style furniture and decorating techniques in your home, you should know that mission style stained glass panels are available. Using the extra touch of stained glass, you can really pull a room together.

Mission style stained glass panels tend to be very different from regular stained glass. One of the biggest differences is the color. Mission style is very subtle; it takes a lot of its inspiration from the earth, specifically the desert. The colors of mission style stained glass are usually brown, gold, and amber. Occasionally you might also find green, red, or rich orange. These colors are meant to go perfectly with simple dark wood furniture and earthy tones.

Another one of the biggest differences between mission style stained glass and other stained glass is the designs. While Victorian and religious stained glass is mainly designed with animals, deities, floral arrangements and elaborate scenes, mission style glass is much simpler. The designs you will find in mission style stained glass panels are shapes, tribal designs and sometimes an arch or mountain. Often, these designs will evoke Native American influences, a tribute to our American Ancestors.

If you are interested in the mission style, you should consider using stained glass in your home. You might choose to go all out and have mission style stained glass panels installed. If you aren't quite ready for the commitment or price tag that comes along with this, however, you can still use mission style stained glass in your home. Consider purchasing a lamp with this design. That way, you can enjoy this unique stained glass on a much simpler level.

Friday, March 29, 2013

Tuto sur le mod "Mo' Animals" ( Chat et BigCat )

Salut tout le monde voilà une nouvelle vidéo sais un petit tuto sur le mod Mo' Creatures parlent des Chat et des BIGCAT ! Vus que j'adore les chat je me suis...

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Getting The Mission Style Designing Theme To Existence In Your House

Contributing to your Mission style designing theme by utilizing wonderful add-ons is really a charming method to accentuate the designing theme. Think about using mission and art nouveau style add-ons that flatter the nice and cozy with interesting lines atmosphere of the An Artist room. While shopping to go with your Mission décor, you will want to consider decorative products like knick-knacks, artwork and pillows.

Paintings is really a fabulous method to add unique charm for your walls, however most home owners have no idea the right way to hang them. When organizing individual pieces, arrange the middle of the piece at eye level as the focus. If you're hanging a grouping of products on your wall, then develop the look by lounging them on the ground first to determine the way they look most pleasing. The Mission style designing theme could be enhanced with Art Nouveau prints which you might like to devote vintage oak frames.

When looking for household goods for the interior planning make sure to choose ones that pull together your design as well as reflect your specific style. To include interest for your Mission style home designing, you need to opt for pieces which have a hot with interesting lines style. Implementing bronze statues shown on shelves as well as in curios can instruct a wise look and thus can art deco figural lamps in your finish tables. When looking for household goods attempt to acquire ones which show your specific tastes. If you're on the limited budget, you should attempt searching in the local flea marketplaces and yard sales where you need to find fascinating decorative pieces at a lower price.

Another factor you can buy to include flair for your interior planning is decorative pillows. You are able to develop a use for pillows in almost any room such as the bathroom and kitchen. Piling them in rows at the head board will certainly provide a professional air for your bed room. You are able to display pillows within the bath or kitchen by utilizing chairs, shelving and then any corner or any interesting place. Pillows are terrific for individuals who can't spend a great deal because putting all of them with your overall family room furniture can help provide a Mission style home designing feel without needing to put money into new furniture. Add a fascinating touch for your room design with pillows which have elegant designs.

You may also decorate with nude figurals, fancy candelabras, and stained glass to construct the sense of a An Artist room. When choosing your decorative pieces, though, you would like to make sure that they complement the designing theme and possess some kind of matching aspects with one another. Stay with on theme products exclusively] to be able to achieve the deisgn style you're pursuing.

Enhancing your Mission style designing theme with art nouveau style add-ons together with stickley furniture might help provide an excellent look. Prior to going shopping, it is a wonderful idea to select the styles, and kinds of pieces you'll need to ensure that you do not buy products that will not fit. You have to make certain your add-ons in within the ideal scale to one another so you have to be conscious of the dimensions of the products when selecting them. By doing this you can be certain to obtain decorative pieces that suit and appear together superbly.

Monday, March 25, 2013

What to anticipate inside your US College Dorm

Moving into a college dormitory can be the realization of a long-cherished dream. It can also hold many surprises, for students and parents alike.

"My mother didn't realize until the day before I moved into a college dorm that there would be men and women living in the same building," says Tamara Hindawi, a graduate of University of Michigan. Like many parents, Tamara's mother was concerned about her daughter's welfare. "It wasn't as bad as it sounds," Hindawi continues. Male students were confined to the first three floors of the building, while female students occupied the top three floors. "If a guy was just hanging out on the women's floor, someone would ask him to leave."

Most parents across the world share the same fears. They are afraid that their child's dorm will be a hotbed of "sex, drugs and rock 'n roll," as the old saying goes. The music in a modern college dorm is more likely to be alternative rock, contemporary country or hip-hop, if that's any consolation.

Here's the good news for parents. While flirting, playing loud music and drinking alcohol probably occur in every dorm, you will also find many students studying, writing papers or debating the meaning of life. The majority of young people are just trying to get an education, and have some fun along the way.

Dormitories are an essential part of the U.S. college experience. At many colleges, all freshmen and sophomores must live on-campus, in the dorms. They provide a place where students can live together, under the informal supervision of an RA, or Resident Assistant. Just as with any other group of strangers living together, there can be differences of opinion and adjustments to make. But there's also a positive side to dorm life. Often, lifelong friendships and business relationships are forged in dorms.

Student Affairs

Most colleges have student affairs offices that help young people adjust to their new environment. Although the name of the office might vary, the mission is the same. Student Affairs offices encourage diversity by helping all types of students fit into the school. They also help the university make accommodations for many types of students, including gay and lesbian students, students of different religions and ethnic groups, and international students. Often, the student affairs office will host special events where the student body can be exposed to the vibrant cultures represented by the international students. Usually the student affairs office will host groups of Asian American, African American and Latino students, as well as international students. Some colleges have a special office for international students, in addition to the student affairs office.

Most universities offer a variety of religious services each week. All of the major faiths have student organizations, from the Newman House for Catholic students, to the Islamic Society of North America for Muslim students. Usually these organizations offer religious services on campus. Depending upon size, they may also offer potluck dinners, social events and charitable events.

Most colleges also have an interfaith organization. The purpose of this organization is to promote understanding between people of different faiths.

The Resident Assistant

The Resident Assistant is your guide to the dorm. He or she will explain the house rules to you, and is available to help you with problems from noisy neighbors to a missing chair. RAs are not parents. They're students who have been at the college for at least one year. They receive a free room in exchange for acting as RA. They won't remind you to eat or tell you what time to go to bed. They simply answer questions and mediate disputes. If you have a problem with another student and talking about it doesn't help, discussing it with the RA would be your next step.

The RA's boss is the Resident Director. The RD is an adult employed by the university. He or she is in charge of all the university residences. In the most serious cases, the RA will refer a problem to the RD if the students can't work out a compromise.

The Basics: Food, Clothing and Money

You'll eat most of your meals in the university dining hall. Dining halls are usually set up buffet-style, and offer a wide selection of foods for almost anyone's needs. You'll probably find a salad bar, as well as a steam table with hot entrees and vegetables. Many universities offer sandwiches made to order, served with soups. Depending upon the university, you may be able to select grilled fish or a stir-fry cooked to order. Some feature kiosks serving fast food like pizza, burgers and cappuccino with pastry. Even in smaller dining halls, you will usually find a choice of meals.

Many students choose to keep some food in their dorm room, for snacks. This can also be convenient for an occasional meal if you don't want to stop studying to make a trip to the dining hall. Just don't make a practice of eating late-night peanut butter sandwiches or pizzas in your dorm room. Weight gain is so common among first-year college students that it's earned the title of the "Freshman Fifteen" - the extra 15 lbs. the average student gains during the first semester of college. Ignore the dining hall freezers full of ice cream most of the time, and concentrate on healthier foods.

It's important to keep up healthy habits while you're at school. Most universities have a health club or gym where students can swim, run on an indoor track, or lift weights. They usually also have treadmills and exercise bikes, as well as elliptical trainers. Of course, just walking or biking around a large campus will probably give you plenty of exercise. Many universities don't allow freshmen to have cars. Some have limited parking, and don't allow any students to have cars on campus.

Bring clothing for a variety of temperatures. In many parts of the U.S., it's very warm during August and September, when most colleges start classes. You can expect cooler temperatures, rain and in some locations snow, before the semester ends. It's better not to bring too many clothes, but this does require a commitment to doing your laundry every week.

Most students dress very casually for class, wearing jeans, sneakers and tee shirts or sweatshirts. One dressy outfit should be enough. Instead of spending a lot of money on clothes before you arrive, wait until you see what everyone else is wearing on campus.

You can always supplement your wardrobe with clothes purchased inexpensively near school, but avoid the overpriced tee shirts and sweatshirts in the bookstore, most of the time. It's fun to have one with your school name on it, but silly to repeatedly spend on sweatshirts just because you don't want to do a load of laundry. You can buy a similar quality shirt at Target or Wal-mart for or less. If making regular laundry visits is a problem, bring or buy a few more clothes and lots more socks and underwear. It's also convenient to have two sets of sheets for your bed.

Many American parents joke that they only see their college-aged children when all the student's clothes are dirty. The kids return home with bags crammed with dirty laundry, for Mom to wash. If you live in Saudi Arabia, Qatar or Morocco, having Mom do your laundry can get really expensive! There are coin-operated washer and dryers in or near your dorm, so you can wash your own clothes. Most universities today offer a combination I.D. and debit card, so there's no need for students to carry cash. This single card works everywhere on campus, from soft drink machines to the campus bookstore.

Your Dorm Room

You might assume that the most prestigious universities would have the plushest dorm rooms...but you would be mistaken. Actually, Ivy League colleges are likely to be much older, and have small, cramped dorms. Some have a housing shortage that forces them to put 3 or even 4 freshmen in a large room together. Newer schools, especially in the western half of the country, will likely offer the nicest accommodations.

Your dorm room is likely to be furnished simply with two single beds and a shared dresser. You and your roommate will each have a desk and chair for studying. The space shared by two people often measures about 10 ft. by 20 ft. Each person has a small closet. In most dorms, there is a large bathroom down the hall, shared by everyone on the floor. In some university residences, a "suite" of two to four rooms shares a standard bathroom.

What to Pack

Here's one tip we hear constantly from college students. Don't bring too much stuff! Especially when traveling from the Middle East, it's a good idea to bring too little, rather than too much, with you. As one Kuwaiti student succinctly put it, "It's hard to send back a lot of stuff if you pack too much. And, dorm rooms are too small to cram with a lot of things." Plan to bring your clothing and a few essential personal items. You can purchase the rest at a discount store over time, if you decide that you really need it. Also, depending upon your home country, items purchased at home may not work in the U.S.

Waiting to make major purchases also gives you the opportunity to talk to your roommate before you buy. As long as both of you are willing to share, there's no point in having two of everything. Maybe she already has a microwave, and suggests that you get a mini-refrigerator to hold cold drinks and snacks.

A few items can be valuable to bring with you. If you already own one, an iPod can be useful at school. The ear buds allow you to listen to your choice of music, as loud as you want, without disturbing the whole dorm. They're also useful for drowning out annoying noise. Simply turn on your favorite tune or some soothing background music.

A U.S. cell phone will allow you to keep in touch with your parents and prevents arguments with your roommates about phone bills. Be sure to select a plan with reasonable international calling rates.

You will probably want a computer for school. A laptop is most convenient, because you can take it with you if you want to study at the library or in a café. Again, it's best to make this purchase in the U.S. For one thing, you're assured that your computer will be compatible with peripherals such as printers purchased there. Many schools have special arrangements with computer companies that give students discounts on computers at the beginning of the school term. Almost all dorms have free high-speed internet, and most campuses have wireless networks. Email is a great way to stay in touch with everyone at home. There are also some internet phone systems with very low prices.

A few dorm essentials can be purchased inexpensively in the states, in a discount store like Wal-Mart or Target. These include:



Flip-flops to wear in the shower

A shower pail or plastic container to carry your soap, toothbrush, shampoo etc. to the bathroom

A bright lamp for studying

A plastic shower caddie or other container for your toiletries will help you to arrive at the bathroom with all the essentials. It's vital to wear flip-flops in the shower, to prevent athlete's foot, an itchy rash that invades many dorm bathrooms.

Remember fire safety while you're in the dorm. Learn where the stairs and emergency exits closest to your room are. If you burn candles or incense in your room, be careful and never leave them unattended.


Learning to get along with a difficult roommate in your first year is a rite of passage at most American universities. According to one survey, 25% of new college students feel that their roommate was the worst possible choice. Probably if you conducted the same survey during the first month, 75% would hate their roommate.

Different schools use different methods to match roommates. At one point, Stanford University used to put people taking similar classes in rooms together. The theory was that two engineers or two sociology majors would have a lot in common. Today, Stanford takes the opposite tactic. They intentionally have people with different interests share a room, so that students are exposed to different points of view.

At Harvard, students fill out a lengthy housing questionnaire. Their parents are also asked to write a candid letter on their child's habits and lifestyle. The reason? University officials found that students don't always have a realistic view of themselves. Someone who describes herself as easy-going might actually be a diva, according to her parents. A self-proclaimed "neatnik" might really be a slob, according to his mother.

The Housing Questionnaire

Other schools provide one questionnaire that parents and students work on together. One way to ensure the best fit between student and dorm is to be especially careful when filling out the housing questionnaire. The university will ask you to complete a questionnaire online or on paper when you register. Supplying complete information about your habits and preferences is the best way to make sure you won't be disappointed when you actually move into your room.

The housing questionnaire will include information on a variety of likes and dislikes.

These include:

Are you a morning person or a night owl? What kind of music do you prefer? What are your study habits? Are you committed to a healthy lifestyle? Do you need quiet to concentrate? Are you a slob or a very neat person?

There is so much diversity in student populations today, that most questionnaires address religious beliefs and culture. They will also have a space for any special dietary needs. Don't be shy! If you need a vegetarian diet or a quiet place to study, say so. Be aware that students who don't complete the housing questionnaire end up with whatever rooms are leftover. Don't forget this important step.

Some students prefer to share a room with someone who is a lot like them, at least on the surface. A college athlete may request another athlete for a roommate. Other students will request a roommate who is a member of the same religious, ethnic or racial group. Think carefully before you decide to take this route. Sharing space with someone who is quite different from you can be awkward at first. But, it can lead to a much deeper understanding of each other's culture, once you make a few adjustments. Being roommates is a great way to learn that you can like someone who is very different from you.

Many students claim that colleges take a mischievous pleasure in pairing people who have wildly different personalities. Some universities do believe that having a contrast between roommates helps foster a sense of community in the school. In fact, most such pairings are simply due to chance. There is no hard evidence that any roommate matching system is best. In fact, the common thread is that most college freshmen are unhappy with their roommates.

Getting Along With Your Roommate

According to Kit Williams, former Associate Director of Residential Life at Boston University, roommate issues are one of the top problems for first-year students and their parents. Most freshmen have at least one roommate conflict, and some have many. The problem may be magnified because at some schools, three or four freshmen share a room or suite.

It's natural for parents to want to intervene in disagreements between roommates. Many parents feel that they have a lot invested in their child's education. Separated from a child for the first time, they may try to control the situation long-distance. If the roommate is interfering with their child's studies, parents want to put a stop to it. Unfortunately, it's not usually that easy. By stepping in, a parent may actually make the situation worse.

Normally, it's best to let roommates settle their own differences. After all, learning to negotiate agreements in daily life is a vital part of your education. Remember that there are two sides to every story. You may be furious because your roommate leaves his dirty socks and underwear all over the room. If you sit down and talk about it when both of you are calm, you'll learn his side of the story. Maybe his mom always put away his dirty laundry and he just forgets. On the other hand, maybe he resents you playing loud music every night until 2 a.m., and retaliates by strewing dirty laundry around the room. Talking the problem out will usually result in a reasonable compromise. At the very least, you will each be able to express your opinion.


The basic skills you'll need to get along with your roommate are the same skills that you'll need to keep the peace with anyone. These include:

Communication Compromise Boundaries Space Understanding

Open communication is important between roommates. If you don't discuss a little problem, it may grow into a big one. When something happens, whether it's your roommate drinking all the sodas or leaving her hair care products all over the bathroom, bring it up in a tactful, non-threatening way. If it continues for weeks, your roommate is likely to feel betrayed when you finally explode in anger.

Set some boundaries to begin with. In particular, agree on which items you will share and which are private property. Maybe you'll decide that all the food in the fridge is joint property, but borrowing each other's clothes is off limits - or vice versa. Having an understanding up front will get you off on the right foot.

No matter how large or small your dorm room is, each of you needs some space to call your own. Maybe you'll agree that you each get half the dresser, your own desk and a closet. However you divide it, remember that your roommate has the right to keep his or her space in any condition that they want, as long as it's not a biohazard.

Finally, remember that your roommate has feelings, just as you do. He may have had a world-class bad day. Maybe his girlfriend broke up with him, he failed a math test and he's used up all the free minutes on his cell phone. When that happens, show some understanding. If he wants a sounding board, listen to his problems. If he wants to be alone, go study in the library. He'll likely do the same for you, when you have a rotten day.

Roommate Problems

A college dorm is basically inhabited by a huge group of strangers, all living together. If that sounds like a recipe for disaster, add to it that they are from every type of background, and hail from all over the world. In addition, they are almost all between the ages of 17 and 24. Most are living independently for the very first time, without adult supervision. Is there any wonder that minor problems arise?

One tool that is useful for many roommates is a roommate agreement. These are sometimes called a roommate contract or bill of rights. No matter what you call these written agreements, they can help the two of you get along while sharing a room. Maybe the written agreement will specify that everyone will put his own dirty laundry in the hamper, and that no loud music will be played after 10 p.m. Drafting a roommate agreement early in your relationship can ensure a smooth transition into college life for both of you.

If the two of you can't seem to reach a compromise and the problem continues, it's time to call in the Resident Assistant (RA) or the Resident Director (RD). These people are skilled in sitting down with both parties and working out your differences. Usually, the RA or RD will not remove a troublesome roommate for you. Instead, they'll often help you to work towards a solution for your problem.

What if your roommate is truly horrible? Adjustments are to be expected, but if your roommate smokes in a non-smoking room, uses drugs or keeps you up all night playing his electric guitar at top volume, something has to change. In that case, you can usually request a housing transfer. Sometimes there is a time limit on housing transfers, so it's best to act early. If your roommate is violating school rules or breaking the law, that's the time to get school administration involved.

It's normal for young people away from home to suffer a few lapses in judgment. The college dorm is designed so their missteps can occur in a safe environment, with minimal damage. With a little planning and a bit of compromise, you'll find that living in a dorm is a rewarding part of your education in the U.S.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Genuine Antique Furniture Versus Fake Antique Furniture - How you can Differentiate

Purchasers and retailers beware: The nation's dire economic worries have produced a surge in the amount of fake antique furniture and reproductions available on the market. 

Fake antiques and reproductions will always be a reason to be concerned. However the difference now's more fake furniture is flooding the marketplace than in the past, bought by naive purchasers.

How do we make certain you don't unconsciously buy knockoffs or reproductions?

Visual inspection is crucial to discovering knockoffs. 

Research, Research, Research

This involves research. You will need to understand what is suitable -- and what's not appropriate -- for that era where the antique was made. .

Finding inappropriate features is really a warning sign what this means is your furniture is probably an imitation.

Listed here are a couple of tips that may help you avoid purchasing fake antiques or produced antiques:

Inspect the antique furniture. You should think about the wood, joints, tool marks, hardware and wood oxidation to find out it is true age. Furniture does not lie. Wood, for instance, darkens and reduces the older it will get. It's because of this that genuine antiques made of wood frequently appear misshapen it reduces as we grow older. An in-depth inspection will explain the majority of the particulars you are attempting to uncover.

Use wood being an indicator old. Wood informs age antique furniture. For instance, prior to the early 1700s, walnut was the wood of preference among Men and women and U.S. colonists for Full Anne chairs and tables, as well as for benches and cabinets. Mahogany was popular throughout the mid-1700s for formal dining area furniture. Oak was popular before 1700, but loved a revival within the 1900s in American mission furniture and humanities &lifier Crafts designs. Oak continues to be extremely popular.

Eliminate certain building materials. Antiques typically aren't made from plywood or particalboard, because individuals building materials did not appear in the pre-twentieth century.

Examine how furnishings are put together. Certain joints and cuts are symbolic of the era by which these were made. Early craftsmen used mortise-and-tendon joints, dovetail joints and wooden pegs. Nails will also be good indications. Rose mind nails were common within the 1700s cut nails abounded in the late 1700s towards the late 1800s and staples indicate more contemporary, twentieth century manufacturing.

By having to pay attention to how furnishings are made, you are able to determine the authenticity of the furniture. 

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Snappy Dresser - GTA: Liberty City Tales Mission #7

Grand Thievery Auto: Liberty City Tales Mission #7 - Snappy Dresser For: Ma Cipriani Type: Primary Story Mission Location: Tigard Island Reward: 0 Game: Gra...

Thursday, March 21, 2013

DaVinci Parker 4-Drawer Dresser, Natural by DaVinci

Now have Completely Reengineered the DaVinci Parker 4-Drawer Dresser, Natural

The last occasion you got a DaVinci Parker 4-Drawer Dresser, Natural, were you pleased by it as well as could it accomplish anything the company assured it would accomplish or maybe did you take it out from the box, try it one time and then know that it was an entire misuse of money? Regretfully there are a number of of these merchandise on the market that fail to live up to the buzz. At DaVinci all of us set out to absolutely reengineer our version of this specific merchandise.

DaVinci Parker 4-Drawer Dresser, Natural

Precisely what our company sought was to recreate the DaVinci Parker 4-Drawer Dresser, Natural in a manner that everybody whom acquires one might discover that it doesn't only do almost everything that they expect it to, but that it really does so much more. It is something our competitors obviously hasn't given much thought to since they appear to be content to wallow in mediocrity. We are incredibly satisfied with our merchandise and are certain you'll be more than happy with your investment.

Basically we could have settled for creating the ideal DaVinci Parker 4-Drawer Dresser, Natural and left it simply the way it was, we knew that the most crucial folks in the world, our consumers, expect to see far more from us. Thus basically we began with an fantastic standard design, we began incorporating a selection of excellent functions to it that we was confident would solely produce a good item into a excellent one. All of these features in addition to and incredibly reduced price allow it to be among the best deals you are ever likely to discover.

DaVinci Parker 4-Drawer Dresser, Natural
List Price : $299.00

You Save : Check Lower Price

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The classic Parker Dresser provides four roomy drawers and ample amounts of space for all of baby's things. Metal drawer glides ensure drawers open and close smoothly, and stop mechanisms keep them from being pulled out. The dresser's modest design matches DaVinci's Parker, Reagan and Thompson cribs. The redesigned DaVinci Parker 4 Drawer Dresser is now improved with reinforced drawers and easier assembly.


  • Made of sustainable New Zealand pine wood and CARB II compliant MDF
  • Metal drawer glides
  • Stop mechanisms on drawers
  • Anti-tip kit included
  • Non-toxic finish. Lead and phthalate safe